Apr 8, 20210 min read

Mar 17, 20211 min read
Rather than illness, let's diagnose stillness
diagnose potential forget about a lack the former is essential the latter forms a crack a distract from the trackless track let your Self...

Mar 15, 20211 min read
For Years and One Day
For years I slept with fears and when I woke no love to stroke just me lost at sea Obsessive Compulsive Disorder my only seafaring...

Mar 8, 20211 min read
Let my love flow
No matter how tired I am How scared I am How angry i am How doubtful I am How sad I am How hesitant I am How ill I am No matter how...

Feb 12, 20212 min read
On the morning after mourning
click click click click click, click, click a symphony of freedom unlocked in sequential simultaneity it’s now the morning after mourning...

Jan 16, 20212 min read
Giving me a chance
In an attempt to find the answer a sensation for all the nations was medication but when it came to my own search it left me as an orphan...

Jan 7, 20211 min read
Finding comfort in darkness
Sometimes, in searching tirelessly for light we completely overlook finding comfort in darkness in fact within blackness lies the utter...

Jan 4, 20211 min read
Therapy and me: a relationship of three
A word that can have many prongs and yet a space to sing my song and whilst the notes fall out of key within discord find harmony the...
Dec 14, 20201 min read
The Inaudible Truth
When you wake tomorrow morning eyes slowly peeling open heavy with the knowledge of another day like this… when the voices start to...
Dec 8, 20201 min read
Divine Rebirth Day
Each birthday a day of rebirth not a return to one moment in history, but a homage to your infinity in every moment and so we light the...

Nov 26, 20202 min read
Camping Here
It’s always here 40-50 buzzing flies even the horseflies the heat beats upon my head mostly the forehead and top in increments the...

Nov 6, 20201 min read
My little son
My little son Shines up on me My little son Helps me to see My little son Shows me the way My little son A blessing everyday My little...
Nov 6, 20201 min read
The Universe's bag
Isn’t it amazing our ability to reach into emptiness and pull out literally whatever we want… it must be full after all we're the...

Nov 6, 20202 min read
My library
as I enter my library finally after getting sick of waiting just thinking about it and for what purpose since it was already here antique...
Nov 3, 20201 min read
A living poem
it’s here right in front of me without trying without any cleverness or skilled wordsmithery in fact I can write a jumble a total rumble...

Nov 2, 20202 min read
My eyes
my mind’s I does not see me, necessarily a half-closed squint revealing a kind of hazy partial tint an impression in perception as a...

Oct 27, 20204 min read
Here's what it's like to live with OCD in What If World
Even though it’s not now, what if Even though I’m fine now, but what if Everything’s okay outside But inside my mind what if, what if...
Oct 1, 20202 min read
just between us
double brick walls, painted a nice colour, soft yet solid keeping families apart from neighbors car doors maybe child lock on bedroom do...

Oct 1, 20201 min read
Intruding unseen perfection
There is a crime more perfect than the rest as the clouds begin to smudge the gold bequest and as the ash falls and midnight in day does...
Oct 1, 20201 min read
Till fear do us part
Till fear do us part in death we do not fearing that which we are living and dying into perfect union to die while alive though that is...

Oct 1, 20201 min read
Listen louder
It’s time to listen louder for everyone to listen louder but certainly not to what I say and not to what your parents say and not to what...

Sep 30, 20201 min read
Addiction without restriction
Alcohol sex cocaine pain killers weed heroin methamphetamine I’m sure I’ve missed some add yours here _____________ they all exist for a...

Sep 30, 20202 min read
when the worry sets in
what do you do? your body doesn’t ask permission or ponder it starts to act heart shivering in dread uncertainty as skin beads wet with...

Sep 29, 20201 min read
Nature's diagnosis for life
What is nature’s diagnosis for life? What is it? It is bliss. It is totally bliss...it is obsessive compulsive bliss which means that the...
Sep 28, 20201 min read
Seek not for perfection, but for flow for in flow you will find Perfection everywhere
Sep 28, 20201 min read
Freedom from happiness
The way that bliss frees me is through release from the boundaries of happiness it's worth repeating, absolutely. a precedent of humanity...
Sep 19, 20201 min read
Obstruction of bliss
What is the cause of ALL the suffering in the world? this is an easy one and very straight forward obstruction of bliss you name it and...
Sep 16, 20201 min read
OCD illness OCBstillness to move from illness to stillness a winding road no end in sight abbreviated suddenly a stop crossbuck and boom...
Sep 11, 20201 min read
Thinking backwards
This is the moment after the intruder has already been but before the crime committed when an IV of fatigue coursing though veins of mind...
Sep 8, 20201 min read
uncomfortable and doubting
is only superficial. it feels throughout when the mind is overwhelmed by its touch in the body but even one step below and you can let it go