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On the morning after mourning





click, click, click

a symphony of freedom

unlocked in sequential simultaneity

it’s now the morning after mourning

and I still hear the sirens warning

the plan I plan may go awry

that continuity I cry

this day may be the same again

and leave me hanging on to when…

but suddenly

on bended knee

and without any urgency

I am completely free to flee

not even flee

but walk to thee

at first I hear the ringing click

my doubting mind says it’s a trick

I still hear the rattling chains

I still feel the nagging pains

but on that morning after mourning

after eons of ignoring

the warden truly gives the word

which by all the guards is heard

and with a single button pressed

my totality expressed

and in that moment of release

after dreaming of such peace

escape became a fairy tale

for through the gates I did now sail

and with epiphany of ages

in the words of history's sages

I realized that I played no part

in this freeing of my heart

and all that kept me locked inside

was sheer reliance on the tide

ever-changing, never still

and drowning with my own freewill

but on this morning after mourning

I refused to heed the warning

rather trusting my own feet

in rhythm with my heartful beat

and stepping out of concrete-steel

I strode beneath the turning wheel

for when they closed the gates behind

and let the wrecking ball unwind

I knew it then of no return

I felt the ocean swell and churn

for even with a tiny crack

there can never be a turning back

and as I witnessed all the force

flowing out from inner source

what once was dismal frozen motion

now a surging cosmic ocean

laid before my every sense

behold the scale, beyond immense

a mirror of the skies atop

a reservoir of every drop

and as I gaze into the vast

the universe is mine at last

I look upon my newfound home

and watch as my ancestors roam

for never did they leave this place

just moved beyond familiar face

and as I now can see so clear

it’s all along they’ve been right here

and vision came through lack of fear

captivating each direction

this befalls my resurrection

and silently, I witness thee:

the liquid sway

of the manta ray

as it gracefully plays

throughout the day

in its usual


watery way

the transparent bleed

of the silky weed

to-ing and fro-ing

with darling reed

as they dance

and breed

beloved seed

the singing calls

of the waterfalls

echoing harmony

virtue enthralls


the gospels

of living scrolls

the wave’s collage

a delightful massage

every cell

a bliss barrage

and bringing



as brightness beams

I live my dreams

the Self

rejoicing in esteem

the Sun


the Supreme

and silently, I witness thee

and share that morning after mourning

with the unity adorning

all that blesses this fair earth

the source of each and every birth

and as that morning turns to noon

and after noon receives the moon

I know that mourning’s holy boon

has taught me how to live in tune

and now I’m swimming through the sea

of me and she and he and we


can finally see


returning home to




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This is my own personal blog, a story and record of my own personal journey. It is in no way representing any formal Transcendental Meditation Organization. The content about my life is representative only of my experience. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 


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All of the content about my experiences with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, mental illness and Transcendental Meditation published on this website and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is just that: my own experience. It is not guaranteed in any way that others will have the same experiences. I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or medical professional of any kind. The information on this site and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is for information purposes only and not medical advice or guidance. Always consult your medical professional or other qualified health professional for any questions or changes regarding your health. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 

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