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"Transparent to the Transcendent"

"We are all manifestations of a mystic power: the power of life, which has shaped all life, and which has shaped us all in our mother's womb. And this kind of wisdom live in us, and it represents the force of this power, this energy, pouring into the field of time and space. But it's a transcendent energy. It's an energy that comes from a realm beyond our powers of knowledge. And that energy becomes bound in each of us–in this body–to a certain commitment. Now, the mind that thinks, the eyes that see, they can become so involved in concepts and local, temporal tasks that we become bound up and don't let this energy flow through. And then we become sick. The energy is blocked, and we are thrown off center; this idea is very similar to the tenets of traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. So the psychological problem, the way to keep from becoming blocked, is to make yourself–and here is the phrase–transparent to the transcendent. It's as easy as that."

Joseph Campbell

Pathways to Bliss

pg. xvii

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This is my own personal blog, a story and record of my own personal journey. It is in no way representing any formal Transcendental Meditation Organization. The content about my life is representative only of my experience. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 


Medical Disclaimer: 

All of the content about my experiences with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, mental illness and Transcendental Meditation published on this website and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is just that: my own experience. It is not guaranteed in any way that others will have the same experiences. I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or medical professional of any kind. The information on this site and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is for information purposes only and not medical advice or guidance. Always consult your medical professional or other qualified health professional for any questions or changes regarding your health. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 

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