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"...the freedom of feeling and knowing the bigger picture."

“I believe what could’ve been a years worth of suffering has been reduced down to months with the benefits of TM. It has allowed me on a daily basis to reconnect, to find solace and to experience mindfulness at a very natural level. While OCD can be overwhelming and suffocating, I feel meditation has given me the freedom of feeling and knowing ‘the bigger picture’. Like it is a strong foundation.”


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Sat Chit Ānanda

“Everybody has the right to enjoy the sat [truth] chit [Being] ānanda [bliss] nature of his own soul. In the most natural manner, everybody has every right to enjoy permanent peace, bliss eternal, wh

"Transparent to the Transcendent"

"We are all manifestations of a mystic power: the power of life, which has shaped all life, and which has shaped us all in our mother's womb. And this kind of wisdom live in us, and it represents the

"...cultivate deep unshakable Love."

“Mostly, it is the enlivening of the natural Self through your own uniqueness that allows your body to remember how to heal. In my own experience all these feelings are subtle yet extremely powerful.

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