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Modern psychological theories investigate causes in order to influence effects. They grope in darkness to find the cause of darkness in order to remove it. In contradistinction, here is the idea of bringing light to remove darkness. This is ‘the principle of the second element’. If you wish to produce an effect on the first element, ignore that element, do not seek its cause; influence it directly by introducing a second element. Remove the darkness by introducing light. Take the mind to field of happiness in order to relieve it of suffering.

- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita pg. 126


captain transcendo

How in the world, or out we could say can we get past the boundaries that sit in our way? Can we kick? Can we scream? If we burst at the...

Sat Chit Ānanda

“Everybody has the right to enjoy the sat [truth] chit [Being] ānanda [bliss] nature of his own soul. In the most natural manner,...

"Transparent to the Transcendent"

"We are all manifestations of a mystic power: the power of life, which has shaped all life, and which has shaped us all in our mother's...

"...cultivate deep unshakable Love."

“Mostly, it is the enlivening of the natural Self through your own uniqueness that allows your body to remember how to heal. In my own...

"Deep in the heart of the Element"

"To be in the zone is to be in the deep heart of the Element. Doing what we love can involve all sorts of activities that are essential...

"My soul is my counsel"

"My soul is my counsel and has taught me to give ear to the voices which are created neither by tongues nor uttered by throats. "Before...

"Transcendent wonder"

"A kind of waking trance — this for lack of a better word — I have frequently had, quite up from boyhood, when I have been all along….All...

"That serene and blessed mood"

"That blessed mood, In which the burthen of the mystery, In which the heavy and the weary weight Of all this unintelligible world, Is...

Arranged Space

Mama and son Poetry she is Writing Everyday Already Mama shows me And I need to Listen Mama finds no walls Anywhere Even when Like bricks...

Creation is a shed

A shed which with usual sense Holds pitchforks, mowers and Work And that is some place already expressed in a Way and a beautiful way...

from D to B

D has within it B already and always Disorder has bliss within it. All you do is draw the heart within It is only a matter of...

my Poetic purpose

To acknowledge bliss To experience bliss To support bliss To enliven bliss To share bliss To honor bliss To transform disorder into bliss...

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© 2020 Obsessive Compulsive Bliss

Content Disclaimer:

This is my own personal blog, a story and record of my own personal journey. It is in no way representing any formal Transcendental Meditation Organization. The content about my life is representative only of my experience. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 


Medical Disclaimer: 

All of the content about my experiences with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, mental illness and Transcendental Meditation published on this website and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is just that: my own experience. It is not guaranteed in any way that others will have the same experiences. I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or medical professional of any kind. The information on this site and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is for information purposes only and not medical advice or guidance. Always consult your medical professional or other qualified health professional for any questions or changes regarding your health. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 

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